Next week we going to continue our Sibelius fest and have his fourth symphony in its entirety. Plus the usual suspects such as Wakeman, Einaudi, Beethoven, Bach, Richard Strauss, Chopin, Berlioz and Vaughan-Williams.
Come and join me for 2 hours of awesome Classical Choons to ease you into a Tuesday afternoon.
Fabulous show once again Doc, excellent music and entertainment this afternoon mate.
Enjoy the rest of your day and take care.
Goodbye Stephen, look after yourself and I will see you again soon.
Look after yourselves Ladies and Gentlemen, enjoy the rest of your day and I will see you all again soon.
Goodbye everybody, take care.
Afternoon all - enjoy the last track. I know I will. See you in the shows.
Such an unassuming man as well!
A bit of Bach? Why not.
Me and Dame Penny going into a gig! LOL
The music so far is so relaxing and therapeutic, keep it up Doc.
Jeck's mate on the joanna! LOL.