Classical Corner Monday 15th June : Revolution Radio OnlineJoin me for 90 minutes of Classical excellence from midday on Monday. We have some Sibelius, Grieg, Beethoven, Mozart, Holst, Massenet, Dukas and more.
Fantastic show today Doc, loved the music as always mate.
I will see you and my fellow listeners again later at 7pm Sir.
Enjoyed that Doc, just what I needed. I am now going over to the work desk to do my taxes.... :( Great tunes to inspire though :)
Thanks for your ears this afternoon. It is Tea Time Tales at 5pm then the DBRS at 7pm still to come today. Enjoy the rest of your day.
Fab tuneage Doc, loving it :)
Well, I ain't got much tax done but I have designed and ordered the new RRO biz cards for our hard working layabout DJs ;)
Good afternoon Doc, sorry for my late arrival, been busy since 11 this morning.
I hope you are fine and having a good day so far Sir.
Good afternoon Ladies and Gentlemen, I hope you are all fine and having a good day so far.