This week's Drive With Doc and The Dame has the theme of 'Drive' - so expect song about driving, driven, cars, buses etc. All the usual features including Pen's Featured Album, her Movie and Rock Picks, Doc's Ladies, What's Your Style?, Baron's Blockbusters, Rob's Summer Sizzlers, Office Fairy Tales etc. Some cracking Doc's Dodgy Links again this week!
Hope you can join us at 3 pm until 6.30 pm on Thursday.
Brilliant afternoon Doc ,loved the music today Sir.
See you later Doc and my fellow listeners.
And for the Classical Finale we have Hans Zimmer. Good evening Drivers/Gangsters. Thanks for your company. See you all in 30 minutes for The Dames Mix-Up.
Pen's Chill Out Zone :
Pen's 3rd and 4th Rock Picks :
And the third and final one from Dame Pen's cracking Featured Album :
Hiya Rob.
hiya rob xx
Good afternoon Dame Penny. XX
And for Rob's Summer Sizzlers we have :