Come and join us for an hour with all your favourite modern blues-rockers such as The Boulton Brothers Band, Tom Killner, Emma Wilson, Allman Betts Band, Taste, Ana Popovic etc. with a selection of little heard tracks (either never been played on the DBRS or at least not in the last year). No Swamp Blues - just rocking blues tracks!!
Only on Revolution Radio Online.
Enjoyed that Doc- was still listening even with the client- I just had to let her get it all out of her system lol. Fine tuneage!
Brilliant show Doc, loved what I have heard, I will listen to the playback later mate.
I will see you all again in 30 minutes.
Thanks for your ears one and all and enjoy the rest of the day.
Good morning Doc, I hope you are ok and feeling better today mate.
Sorry for my late arrival, I've only just woke up so will listen on playback Sir.
Good morning Ladies and Gentlemen, I hope you are all well and having a good day so far.