On this weeks show we have a mix from the likes of Scorpions, Magenta, FM, Tom Killner, Joe Bonamassa, The Outlaws, Within Temptation, Selene, Blackberry Smoke, Styx, Judas Priest and many more with this weeks live playout coming from Kiss, Metallica and Iron Maiden :)

Goodnight Derek, take care and have a great weekend mate.
Goodnight Darren, take care and have a great weekend mate.
Goodnight Robin,take care and look after yourself mate.
Have a great weekend Doc, goodnight and take care mate.
Fantastic show once again Dame, another great Start to the weekend.
Take care Penny, goodnight and have a great weekend. XX
Goodnight geezers and geezims, have a brilliant weekend take care everybody.
Night Doc
Night Pen, Baron, Rob, Rev and all.
thanks Robin, night night xx
Great show Penny, night all :)
NN all :)
thanks Doc xxx
NN Dame Pen. Great night of music. xx
thanks Dazler :) xx
Fab show Pen, enjoyed that muchly I did! NN all, see you on Sunday :)
Night Derek and take care mate.
thanks Derek , night night xx
absolutely awesome , thanks guys for listening its been great, enjoy these and catch you in the week , night all :)