On this weeks show we have a mix from the likes of Def Leppard, Evergrey, Sunstorm, Delain, Eric Clapton, Y&T, Heart and many more as well as a Featured artist this week with 6 tracks from FM! oh and to top it off a Live playout from FM, Foreigner and Bon Jovi!
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Fantastic show once again Dame, loved the music tonight, especially FM.
Goodnight Penny, have a fantastic weekend in Felixstowe and say hello to Ann ,Dave and Mark for me please.XX
Goodnight Ladies and Gentlemen ,I will see you all again next week for part 3 of the Dame and Earls mix up. Take care and have a brilliant weekend everybody.
Have a brilliant weekend Doc, take care mate, goodnight.
thanks Doc night night xx
Thanks for a brilliant night (and mix) of music. Night Dame Pen. xx
thanks all for listening and all the contributons tonight its been great, night all, catch you next week for the Dame and the Earl part 3!!!
Fantastic album that is celebrating it's 35th anniversary. It is also 10 years ago that the Songs From The Sparkle Lounge album was released.
Agree with you there Doc, two amazing voices mate.
Sure is.
indeed its kaz's grandson on the cover if i remember rightly xx
What a couple of great ladies with awesome voices.