On this weeks show we have a usual mix up of epic tracks, with music from Boston, Rebecca Downes, Skinny Molly, Eloy, Blackfoot, Dare, Leaves Eyes,Connie Lush, Thin Lizzy, 38 Special and many more, with a connection mini feature as picked by Robert Fogg, AND a 'Epic Live' from Iron Maiden, Black Stone Cherry and Alterbridge! Hope you can join me Thursday at 7pm :)
Take a bow Dame, that was the best show you have done and the perfect way to celebrate the shows birthday. Goodnight Penny XX and my fellow mixers, have a fantastic weekend, take care everybody.
Take it easy Darren, goodnight pal.
Take it easy Doc, goodnight pal.
thanks all, night :) xx
Fabulous show Pen, enjoyed that muchly, was very tough to press on with my new book but managed to do most of what I set out to do. Have a good rest of the week and weekend folks.
Great Mix as usual. Brilliant finish as well. Good night to all The Mixers.
Uncle Bob on top form still !!
Uncle Bob!
Way of tugging at your heart strings have Foreigner.
Music wise tonight Penny, you are cooking on gas mark 10, brilliant show this evening. XX
Don't forget the Ziltoid albums as well Darren 😂.
Awesome live - absolutely awesome.
Really need to get more Devin in lol
Good evening Robin.