Yep. Going for the 5th instalment of Ladies Sing The Blues. Who to expect? How's about some Rebecca Downes, Joanne Shaw Taylor, Connie Lush, Niecie, Annee 2CU, Ana Popovic, Beth Hart, Bonnie Raitt, Chantel McGregor, Erja Lyytinen, Dana Fuchs, Dani Wilde, Danielle Nicole Grainne Duffy, Kaz Hawkins, Layla Zoe, Melissa Etheridge, Samantha Fish, Sari Schorr and Susan Tedeschi?
Please post any suggestions for either specific tracks or additional Blues Ladies in this thread.
Fantastic show Doc, brilliant music, especially the Sari Shaw song near the end.
Goodnight Doc and my fellow bluesmeisters, take care everybody and I will see you all again soon.
See you again soon Penny, goodnight.XX
See you again soon Darren, goodnight Sir.
See you again soon Derek, goodnight pal.
Thanks Baron and Dame Pen.
Night Derek.
awesome show doc, and great finish! night all :) xx
Twas an awesome show Doc! Not sure it helped me resolve my playlist issues though ha ha! NN all, see you at various shows- don't forget we now have a Tuesday night show on cfrrock at 8pm :) Yeah, enjoyed that muchly :)
Thanks to Dame Pen for the awesome collage and helping me out here and on FB.
Good night Blues Brothers and Sisters. Keep safe and see you in the week or next Monday! Doc. XX for the ladies and manly back slaps for the blokes.
It has been a fantastic evening of some awesome music..........Thanks Doc.......will listen to the end but got things to do so Night Night one and all
Awesome track.
Awesome live as well!
Yummy. Just.... yummy.
Thanks guyz. Much appreciated when the music works and you like my choices.
It has been BRILLIANT
Has this show been brilliant tonight or has this show been brilliant tonight ?