A fantasic album compiled by Pete from Grooving In Green, and featuring some amazing artists from the alternative/gothis scene.
You can donate to the care workers charity here: https://www.justgiving.com/fundraisi…/unitybandcollaboration
You can then get the album from: https://unitycharity.bandcamp.com/releases
The Unity charity album features tracks from Grooving In Green, Simon Hinkler, Silent Idols, All Living Fear, Noctorum, The Glass House Museum, Andy & Nancy, The Faces of Sarah, Hunted By Angels, Down From Above, Vlad Janicek, Chaos Bleak, System of Hate, Sometime The Wolf and Gothzilla.
Many tracks are unavailable anywhere else.
Support a fantastic cause in these strange time.
Just been informed that the total so far has just hit £1000.