This week we continue our special themed shows with a 4 hour combined ROCK CLUB and ZONE, as we present songs all about time from Shooting Star, Anastacia, Pink Floyd and more, all to lead up to the FULL 2hour long concept album THE TIME FIXERS by Paul Limb, before we play episode 4 of Dr Who & The Sensorites.
We'll make the PDF of the accompanying Time Fixers comic free before the show, but we'll also publish the pages page by page as the album plays :)
See you at 2pm on Wed 15th on REVOLUTIONONE
Excellent brs Baron, fantastic entertainment today Sir.
I will see you and my fellow listeners again at 7pm mate.
See you then Dazza been listening but had to get a online shop x
Thanks everyone, see you at 7pm!! Remember your throat lozenges, you're going to need them!!!
Hope you enjoyed that as much as I did! Thanks to Paul for being so extraordinary!!