Hello guys and dolls, here is where you can comment on tonight's Triple D show.
I will be playing you Rock music from across the board, with the odd surprise thrown in for good measure.
I will be with you live, from 7PM-10PM, please join me, it would be great to have your company.
Listen LIVE at: www.crossfireradio.net/cfrxtra.

NN all. Thank you so much for your company tonight. I'm back same time & place next week, see you around CFR in the meantime :)
Great show Louise, brilliant tunes again. Goodnight all see you on Sunday :)
fab show Lou! night all i'll catch ya tomorrow for santana :) xx
Thanks for the choons Louise. Enjoyed that very much I did. Goodnight Louise and fellow minions. See you around the shows.
Fantastic show once again DoD, loved the music tonight,take a bow. XX
Goodnight Louise, take care and have a brilliant weekend see you again soon. XX
Goodnight geezers and geezims of the minions, have a brilliant weekend everybody and I will see you all again tomorrow evening for the Santana special, take care everybody.
Love this Naz track.