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Rock Band


How To Send Us Your ROCK GENRES Music

We are humbled and excited that you want to send us your music (or, the music of a band or artist on your label or under your agency), but we are being swamped with 1000s (we kid you not) of emails asking to be played on our station, so to help us help you, here's the how and what of how to join the revolution!


  1. PLEASE know that we are a rock station. Yes, almost all rock genres are covered, but we get disco, funk, rap and so on sent to us by the 100s. If you're rock, metal, blues, punk, prog, gothic, alternative etc, then you're ok, but you're wasting your own time as well as ours if not.

  2. Don't send us links to Spotify, Youtube or other such platforms. We cannot play these sources on the station and we don't have time to grab & convert.

  3. Do send us HQ MP3 (320kbps) or Wavs, or, preferably, links to a Dropbox or WeTransfer (or similar) folder where we can grab said songs(s). We broadcast at 320kpbs so a 128kbps file is doing yourself a dis-service! Note, if using WeTransfer (or any times out host) please put 'URGENT We Transfer Link' in the email header. 

  4. Include meta-data! This means, a minimum of name of song, name of band/artist, album name (if applicable) embedded within the music files itself. You'll be amazed how many great songs we get, but with no information in the file so once imported to our players, we don't know who they are (remember, we get 1000s!).

  5. Do send us promo pics, web/social media links (including in this case youtube links, as we do a regular Video of the Week) and so on. We do a "First Look" feature on several shows, and want to share your info in the show posts that we do in our Forum.

  6. Finally, please send your submissions to


Follow these simple guidelines and you're already more likely to have your material played on the station. We may not make you a fortune (we're only a small independent station based in the UK), but we do play as many new acts as we can AND may even add you to our "Artists We Support" page!


So, over to you. Good luck!

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