Hiya guys and Dolls, Ms Deeds is back with you in the hot seat tonight, with the useal mix of music & mayhem for you.
First of all, I just wanna say...
Happy Black Friday - hope you got some super savings in the sales today.
To our American friends: A big happy (late) Thanks Giving to you :)
Anyway, during tonight's show, i will be playing you music that has the word black in it (See what I did there? - Black Friday....Ya I know it doesn't work if you have to explain it), as well as music from across the school of rock.
I also have some music from the fabulous band that Avakin Life's LKWD Adam was so kind to introduce me to, Which of the East.
Please feel free to join me tonight, it would be great to have your company listen live at: https://www.revolutionradio.online/.
See ya from 7Pm -10PM.

Night Night all. Thank you so much for your company tonight, I will be back with you next week, from 7Pm-10PM. Until then, see ya' around RRO. xxx
Excellent show D.O.D, fantastic music as always.
Goodnight Louise, have a fantastic weekend and I will see you again soon, take care. XX
Goodnight Ladies and Gentlemen, I will see you all again soon, have a fantastic weekend and take care one and all.
I love Ozzy Osbourne's mickey take of the video of this song
This lady is just...Magical <3
I remember the station well.
I like how Sting sings about his favourite donkey.