I'm back for another evening of Traditional Goth/Industrial/Alternative and Electronic from groups like Beauty In Chaos, Stella Wembly, The Awakening, Sometime The Wolf, Rain Children, Chaos Bleak, Fizz, Sonsombre, Mono Inc and many others.

Album of the show, is the 1989 album from Peter Murphy ‘Deep’ which will be played in full.

As a postscript to last night's awesome show:
"Just so everyone is aware, most of the pics of Stella Wembley were taken by Louie London. If you use one of his photos in future shows, can you try to remember to attribute them to him. Thanks."
Great show Nick really enjoyed that whilst we been setting the world to rights :)
Good night everyone. See you all tomorrow.
Excellent tunes ....Night all :)
Still here :)
Fab tuneage