Well, they only went and did it! It may have taken nigh on 35 years but German female rocksters Rosy Vista finally have a record deal and a full album release. No wonder they called it UNBELIEVABLE.
I first encountered the band all the way back in 1985 when they released their mini-lp (remember them?) "You'd Better Believe It", with 5 slices of fab 80s Germanic melodic metal that completely blew me a way. Plus they were produced by one Frank Bornemann of ELOY fame. I was so chuffed, and sat back and waited for their full album.
And waited, and waited... and waited some more. I then switched to waiting for "You'd Better Believe It" to at least be released on CD. And waited, and waited... and eventually gave up.
So imagine my surprise when I decided to try one more time to see if it had been released yet and found that, whilst it hadn't, there was in fact a full blow album from the band now out!
Now I know immediately that the question you're all asking is; is it worth the wait!?!
Thankfully I can, hand on heart, reply with a hearty YES!
Furthermore, the band have really done an album and a quarter, giving us re-recorded versions of the songs from the original mini lp and seven new tracks. And what a rocker it is! Imagine if you will 1980s commercial metal- say Scorpions Blackout era- but with modern production values and frilly bits added in. Founder members Angela Schwarz's almost operatic vocals tear up the album with energy and verve, and Anca Graterol's guitar work is simply blistering throughout, and the songs have a "this is us, then and now,take it or leave it" feel to them.
My only criticism of the album is the original, more paired back, versions of the 5 songs from the mini lp sound, to my ears, more vibrant, more in your face than the modern re-recordings of them. Note however, that is NOT to say the five songs have been ruined, or even reduced in impact- in fact it's quite the contrary! Rock anthem, Rockin' Through The Night, was a powerfully optimisitic song at the time, all about how the band first met and realised playing together in front of the crowds was all they wanted to do. In this new recording, Angela snarls the optimistic, forward looking lyrics out with such venomous determination that I actually had goosebumps shoot up and down my neck and spine! When she sings "this is what we knew we had to do, all our dreams are coming true now!" and "the road wasn't easy, but we knew we would rise..." you'd BELIEVE it.
This is a fab album, a throw back to a simpler metal era true, but with energy, a modern sound and an all round conviction that THIS time they are going to make it, that I implore you all to go out and get it now.
Help the band make their 35 year old dream come true at last.