On this week's show we have Gary Moore, Stevie Nimmo, Emma Wilson, Rebecca Downes, Blues Pills, Bluesbones, Blues Company, Blues Brothers and more
A middle section from those artists that proved so popular during last week's UKBlues Finalists Show : Mark Harrison, Dom Martin, Trevor Babajack Steger, Half Deaf Clatch and Errol Linton
Newbies to RRO/Doc's from Alessandro Brunetta (a member of Emma Wilson's Blues Band), Black River Bluesman ft Big Alligator and Chad Strenz
A 'Live At The Doc's Blues Bowl' to finish off the show with Eric Clapton, Rory Gallagher, King King and Joe Bonamassa.
You don't wanna miss this one Blues Brothers & Sisters, only on RevolutionONE at 7pm.
Night all and thanks for your ears. See you around the shows.
Enjoyed what I caught Doc, just what the Doctor ordered lol. Night all!
A fantastic start to the week Doc, brilliant music tonight as always mate.
I will see you again tomorrow Stephen, take care mate.
Look after yourself, goodnight Sir.
Take care Ladies and Gentlemen, I will see you all again tomorrow.
Goodnight everybody, look after yourselves.
Many thanks Stephen great as always. Night all
Brilliant tunes ....Night all 🙂
Excellente Tuneage tonight Doc :-)
Cool or what?
The First Lady of the Revolution.