On this weeks DBRS we have tracks from Joe Colombo, Tedeschi Trucks, Stef Paglia, Mojo Preachers, The Head Hunters Blues Band, Erja Lyytinen, Katarina Pejak, The Allman Brothers Band, Cream, Rebecca Downes, Kat Danser and many more
The final 2 hours will be dedicated to Irish Blues (to celebrate St Patricks Day on the 17th March) with tracks from Don Baker, Ed Deane, Eric Bell Band, Van Morrison, Hozier, Kaz Hawkins and Eamonn McCormack
A 35 minute long Live At The Doc's Blues Bowl of Taste, Gary Moore AND Rory Gallagher.
You don't wanna miss this one Blues Brothers & Sisters and it's another looooong show, so dig into your stockpiled supplies!!
See you on Monday at 7pm prompt.
Man am solid gone! Rory rules!
Night all and thanks for your company! Had a blast!
Love(d) this man (in a manly way).
It would be an understatement to say that this has been a fantastic show Doc, excellent music tonight Sir.
Goodnight Doc, I will see you again tomorrow at 2pm mate, until then, take care Sir.
Goodnight Ladies and Gentlemen, I will see you all again tomorrow, take care everybody.
Great stuff as usual Stephen many thanks. Night all.
What a fantastic cover version.
Still listening Doc and Bluesters, but my arm is going dead again, and back is locking up, so that means I have to come off screen. Enjoying the blues tunes, so perfect to lay in the lava lamp light to and let my poor old frame have a rest....
hope to get to see her etta james act when all this blows over :)
Top man Van.