This week we will have nearly all the tracks from albums that have been released over the last few months. So expect Danny Bryant, Samantha Fish, Connie Lush, Laurence Jones, Rebecca Downes, Beth Hart, Deep Blue Sea, The Allman Betts Band, The Achievers, 24 Pesos, Sean Webster, Blues Boy Kings and Mike Zito & Friends, amongst many others. This week's 'First Look' comes from Salty Dog and also Martin McNeill.
Hope you can join me at 7 pm on Monday, only on RevolutionONE.
Another fantastic show in the bag Doc, loved the music tonight Sir.
Goodnight Doc, take care and I will see you again tomorrow mate.
Take care Ladies and Gentlemen and I will see you all again tomorrow, goodnight one and all.
We have always beileved Rebecca. xx
Night all. Had a blast toniight!
Our First Lady of the Revolution!
Great Show Night All hopefully see ya tomorrow x
I am still working on the server.... think I should be done in about another 10 mins!!!
Nuff Said! Survivor Blues!
Doc doing his tribute act to Arkwright. 😂👍