On Life, The Universe & Everything on this week's TWS, I present my VoiceWorks on the Neutrinos - sub atomic particles, that seemed to have zipped faster than light from CERN, near Geneva, Switzerland, to the OPERA detector at the Gran Sasso lab near L'Aquila, Italy.
Conceptually, it's was a simple result: neutrinos made the 730-kilometre journey 60 nanoseconds faster than they would have if they were travelling at light speed.
Einstein's theory of relativity says nothing can travel faster than the speed of light, so is Einstein wrong, or has something else occurred?
This recording made in the week of the experiment explains the ramifications of this and explains why I thought, later to be proved I was correct, the experiment and supposition was wrong.
That's this Wednesday on CFRXtra's TWS, around 3pm.