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Servers came together to create sounds, and images during 2012, unearthing their dark sound at flat wave studio.
"'Leave With Us' is a white hot slab of incandescent fury"
 8/10 Rock Sound Magazine


"A charming, devilishly potent record that will reward you"
 7/10 Metal Hammer Magazine
"Servers are one-of-a-kind; a unique prospect in British metal"
 9/10 Skin Back Alley
Picture of metal  band SERVERS

The band SERVERS formed in South Yorkshire in 2012. Driven by a compulsion to delve into the minds of servers and the subservient nature of followers, Server 00001 (Lee Storrar), Server 00002 (Lee Wilde), and Server 00003 (Ant Nettleship) came together to work on a collection of songs for what became known as "Leave With Us". As word spread more servers were recruited and early transmissions were brought into this world; produced by Server 00004 at Flatwave Studios, the true home of SERVERS. Once these early transmissions met with the standards expected, the works were taken to Axis Studios for final ascendence.

Backed by Undergroove Records and Holdtight PR, SERVERS' debut album "Leave With Us" was released on the 24th February 2014 to critical acclaim.

Since the debut album release Servers have gone on to conduct a number of Gatherings where the transmissions are performed live at venues across the UK with the addition of Server 00005 on guitar and have released their second album "Everything Is Okay" to similar rave reviews. Their third album, Ad Nauseum, continued in much the same awesome vein (reviewed HERE) but their fourth album, 'The Vertical Plane' rose to even greater heights (reviewed HERE).

The mind has an unhealthy obsession and desire to know more than it does today, all SERVERS reference material is archived at where you can receive your own server number, this will be more important as the days progress, as the world falls into line become servers.

Rest assured that your only chance to survive is to… LEAVE. WITH. US.


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