This week we have the fifth Doc and Del's Blues-Rock Show! Yep the 5th instalment of myself and Derek Pettit's choices. So expect tracks from John Mayall, Jeff Healey, Kenny Wayne Shepherd, Walter Trout, SRV, Sonny Landreth, Aynsley Lister, Layla Zoe, Dani Wilde, TYA etc. from Derek and the Voodoo Sheiks, the Bluesbones, George Shovlin, Giles Robson & Chris Corcoran, Kris Barras, Mud Morganfield, Sue Foley, Mike Zito etc. from myself. There will be a 20 minute epic Live at the Doc and Del's Blues Bowl which will be a Joe Bonamassa sandwich - starting off with Joe & Paul Rodgers, followed by 'the one man blues-Rock band' Steve Hill as the filling and finishing with Joe Bonamassa from the brand new album British Blues Explosion which will be a teaser for next weeks special show - 1966 and All That!! More info to follow during the show and during the week.

See you again tomorrow Darren
Brilliant song choices Derek, take a bow pal.
Goodnight Derek, take care mate.
See you again soon Martin, goodnight and take care mate.
See you again soon Caroline, goodnight and take care. XX
See you tomorrow evening Penny, goodnight and take care. XX
Night Rob and thanks.
Brilliant show Doc and Del, take a bow guys.
Goodnight Doc and Derek ,Thank you both for the fantastic music tonight.
Goodnight my fellow bluesmeisters ,I will see you all again tomorrow evening ,take care everybody.
Good Blues Night all.
Fab show Doc & Del! :) Loved it. See you at the shows... NN everyone!
Always a pleasure Derek and thanks mate.
Night Martin and Miss Peeps and thanks.
Thank you Doc for letting me be a part of the show again........well done in getting the tracks together so quick!!
Night and thanks Dame Pen. xx
Thanks Doc x The tunes I heard were awesome gracias lol
Cheers Stephen and Derek great choice of music as always, night all.
awesome show Doc and derek , absolutely fab choices both of you :) night all catch you at the various shows xx
Thanks all for your pics and comments tonight - as ever. See you in the week or next week for '1966 And All That !'. Night all.
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